Selasa, 02 September 2014

Interview with JOTA-JOTI Logo Designer

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Tahukah Anda Siapa yang mendesign Logo JOTA-JOTI 2014? Ini dia orangnya.

By Jim, K5ND
Monday, July 21st, 2014
Taufik Umar Prayoga

Taufik Umar Prayoga at the top of the highest mountain on Java, Mount Semeru at 3,676 meters. He’s holding the flag of the Indonesia Scout Movement.

Recently the World JOTA-JOTI Team caught up with the 2014 logo design contest winner, Taufik Umar Prayoga from Indonesia. We asked him a few questions to learn more about his Scouting background and his logo design.

JOTA-JOTI Team Question: How does it feel to be the winning designer for the 2014 JOTA-JOTI logo?

Tufik Umar Prayoga Answer: It’s awesome, this is my third time to participate in the JOTA-JOTI Logo Contest.

Q: What does your family think about this great honour?

A: My family feels proud. :-)

Q: How long have you been involved in Scouting?

A: I have been in Scouting since joining Cub Scouts (Siaga Scout) in 1994, 20 years ago!

Q: What are your favourite Scouting activities?

A: My favourite Scouting activities are mountaineering and woodcarving.

[See the nearby photo of Taufik involved in mountaineering.]

Q: What do you do outside of Scouting?

A: I’m a young entrepreneur of a mini online shop. I’m also a student of communication science, which is my degree major.

Q: What are your experiences in JOTA-JOTI?

A: Many experiences, mostly meeting and making many friends from all over the world

Q: What inspired you to enter the logo competition?

A: Inspired from emoticon :-D that means happy/laugh/jolly. Scouting is a jolly game!

Q: What thoughts are behind your design?

A: I just want to communicate that Scouting is modern — connecting people. It is one of the best “Social Networks” well before Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Q: Any thoughts or comments for other Scouts around the world?

A: Let’s “create a better world” and “Salam Pramuka from Indonesia.”

Taufik’s winning design for the 2014 JOTA-JOTI logo.

Thank you Taufik for your time with us and for your great logo design. Let’s all plan to participate in JOTA-JOTI this October.

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